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Bangladesh (Feb 2001)  |  Bangladesh (Apr 2001)  |  Bangladesh (CRP)

Toys for Occupational Therapy

Pictures Of APT Toy Production

Toys used in the Centre for the Paralysed (CRP) Bangladesh

Loki and Motin

Loki and Motin making a shape sorter for occupational therapy


Motin and some of his products

Motin and some of his products


Janet making a bottle lid toy

Janet, a visiting Occupational Therapist, making a bottle-lid twister.
The top part of plastic bottes are cut off and pasted into a cardboard board. Different colours and sizes are useful


Playing with the twisting bottle top toy

Playing with the twisting bottle top toy.


John Carter and two more volunteers pasting

John Carter and two more volunteers pasting


Stacking rings being made

Stacking rings being made


Painting the stacking ring holder

Painting the stacking ring holder


Trolley load of APT toys

Trolley load of APT toys


Presenting the toys

Presenting the toys